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                        [story]The  two drakes had indeed survived Ezrael's navigation through the wreckage  of their freighter and made low orbit around the planet Euphredies.  Sirius provided the small pilot with food and a means to vent her  frustration on the holodeck previously, and after killing and maiming  several holo-programs, she felt much better and Sirius could smell the  heat under her dark grey fur. The tall male followed her out of the  holodeck as she unzipped her top. "Ezrael" he called and she turned her  head toward Sirius with a confused look in her eyes. She had not a  moment to prepare as he was upon her, pinning her to one of the walls,  one arm on the cold steel beside her head.

"I have this funny feeling" he said, looking down into her eyes, keeping  them locked on hers and she stared back defiantly. "I think you want to  'relax' with me" he smirked charmingly at her and Ezrael felt her lip  curl exposing her fangs as they rolled forward in her maw. "Oh really  now?" her tail twitched and Sirius leaned into the collar of her neck,  biting into the fur and taking a deep breath. "I smell your desire,  funny that violence turns you on so much."

"I'm starting to feel violent towards you.." she threatened, her eyes  and spines glowing soft yellow, but Sirius knew the fellow drake well,  he grabbed her hips yanking her forward against the increasing bulge in  his jumpsuit. He slid his paws up the backs of her thighs, grabbing her  ass and squeezing. He slid one paw around to undo her pants, the other  paw lifting her by her ass, carrying her to the glass wall and setting  her rear on the handrail. "No you're not" he said, peeling her clothes  off, undoing his jumpsuit and pulling his torso free, leaning in and  putting his arms around her body, kissing and biting her neck. "You want  this don't you?" he practically purred, pressing the tip of his member  against her, pulling her undergarments to the side so the slightly  pointed tip pressed into her folds. Ezrael growled under her breath.  He'd force himself to thrust up into her and the drake let out a moan in  response, her arms instinctively going around the back of his neck and  pulling him closer.

Sirius panted into her ear, whimpering softly as he mounted her, soon  becoming quite slick from the excitement they both shared from the  circumstance and making him increase his thrusts, trying his best to  warm Ezrael up before he hooked her with his knot. Sirius was an  affectionate partner, touching her sides while he bred her, kissing when  he was able and lapping at her neck fur, matting it with saliva. As he  pulled her onto him he continued to huff and occasionally whisper to  her. The fact that they had survived a near death experience left them  both equally happy to be alive, and equally heated towards the only  other body on the small ship. He'd continue to pound her, practically  desperate to make the female drake come with him, and when he wrapped a  paw around her muzzle and she opened her mouth to his fingers, he knew  the kind of female she was and without hesitation curled two digits in  her maw, pressing against her tongue and filling both ends. Ezrael,  overwhelmed by the sensations moaned into the paw and tightened against  him as he finally forced his knot into her, then back out and in again,  causing her to shudder and begin climaxing, his own starting after hers,  and once he was satisfied that he'd gotten her close enough to the  point of ecstasy he thrust in a final time, knot swelling to lock in  place and pumped her full of hot come, the feeling of heat and fullness  making her clench and writhe in his arms and bite on the fingers in her  maw as she came, making loud, lewd moans that were garbled by the digits  and saliva.

Sirius, panting, winded, carried her on his lap to the floor against the  window, pulling the drake close and holding her while she rode out her  own climax from the knot that was continuing to fill her. "See-" he  panted, nosing her ear and horn, then suddenly kissing her. "I knew…you  wanted this" Ezrael's ears shot up in surprise at the kiss and the made a  small groan of protest. The feeling was nice, but unfamiliar…



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