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                        [story]Ezrael  stood in the doorway of her room, pausing as the doors shut behind her,  her tail tucking out of the way and she pressed the lock on the door to  prevent any intrusions. Something was off with the larger drake who was  laying on her bed, gazing out the window. "Dmitri." she said, her voice  stern, and the raven haired drake turned his head, eyes glancing up at  Ezrael who was beginning to peel off her jumpsuit. "What's wrong? You've  been off for weeks now.." she stared at him hard, watching the large  male quietly before walking over to him. "Stress, I think" he said,  combing a massive paw through his hair while she slipped behind him,  nuzzling into neck, her smaller digits winding around his chest,  smoothing the fur. "Relax with me" she whispered into his pointed ear,  and to that the male would laugh. "Relax? With you? We never relax when  we are together." and she huffed a breath into his cheek, nosing into  the fur in an almost submissive fashion, licking at his maw as if they  were mates. He knew she was pressing his buttons, he knew she did not  consider them a mated pair, but the motions felt good to the old drake  and he relaxed into her touch, closing his eyes halfway and opening his  muzzle to receive the affection she was giving.

"See..I can be gentle" she said, kissing more, eventually leaning  slightly over his shoulder to pry her muzzle into his maw and lick along  his tongue and the roof of his mouth, baiting the male into kissing her  back until he was panting softly and she smirked from behind him seeing  the fleshy orange tip peeking from his sheath as it began to swell from  the attention. Ezrael would continue her teasing, gently touching his  chest muscles with her claws and digits, kneading at his abdomen while  kissing. Her tail stealthily coiled around his and the tip was wagging  back and forth, for although she was serious, she knew she'd soon get  what she wanted from him.  Truthfully, things were stressful for both of  them as of late, it had been years since either had seen space and for  someone like Dmitri, someone so adjusted to primitive life, she knew the  strain of readjusting to their old worlds lifestyle was a lot. Still,  she felt as though he owed her to try, and she owed herself to not give  up on him when he was behaving the way he had been recently.

Dmitri however, was wondering what the female truly wanted from him.  Surely, he'd grown attached to her rapidly when they first met, but he  couldn't tell if the small female wanted him for his ferocity in bed or  something more, and the unsureness drove him mildly insane. He was none  to keen on being a plaything, and questioned often if that's what he was  to her. Unfortunately, neither spoke of these feelings and as of late  Dmitri took out stress of readjusting on Ezrael, who was equally  stressed. She'd slowly learned to ignore his outbursts, but it was  tiring and she knew what they needed was downtime.

His thoughts would be jerked back to the present when he felt her hand  curl around his meaty sheath and give it a soft squeeze. Sure enough  more of his length was easily coaxed out and the big male sighed in  pleasure and mild annoyance. Ezrael's collar beeped at her and she made a  small noise, then pressing her face against Dmitri's back, sliding her  other arm around his waist to fondle him. "If I didn't want you, I  wouldn't be here" she said into his back fur, rubbing the tip of her  snout against its warmth. "I could easily never see you again…but here I  am." It was her own way of admitting she had feelings for him, though  they had grown slowly and she was perhaps as bad as him at expressing  them. She knew what he wanted, it was up to her however, whether or not  she'd give his deepest wish to him... 



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