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 A wicked smile spread  across Sethos' maw as he looked to his slender, fluffy drake companion  who lay squirming in his bed. "Look at you, right where I left you" he  cooed, making his way across the room at the drake bound in silky red  cuffs. The demon fox admired his work, hooking a finger onto the muzzle  and sliding it around the slimy gag-ball into Damian's maw, stroking his  ridged tongue for a moment before pulling his hand free; which made the  drake groan and huff through his nose and the collection of saliva  bubbling in the gag he wore. Sethos would take the moment to show the  drake his more sadistic side, never missing an opportunity to put Damian  in his place.

"Such a difference from when we first met. You were so in control…No one  dared stand up to you. Yet, I walk into your office…And oh, how things  have changed." Damian half heartedly growled and when he did he shifted  against his bindings, causing the plug firmly wedged under his tail to  shift and make the already trembling drake moan through his gag. He  started to remind himself how Sethos had murdered half of his  establishment when they'd "met" but the sensations all over the drakes  body made such thoughts rather difficult.

Sethos would then lean over Damian, whispering into one of his round,  fluffy ears and with a smile in his voice say, "So obedient.." as he  slid a hand under Damian's tail, grasping the plug and pressing it in so  it ground against his rear with it's flared base.  "Red really does  look wonderful on you" he said, cooing while toying with the plug,  smirking at how worked up the drake was, how much of a mess he was  making. "Let's see how beautiful red looks inside you.." he whispered  and Damian's trembling ear could hear his lover undressing and he knew  the night would go on for much, much longer. 



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