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"Alright" she muttered under her breath, the female drake obviously tense, her spines rigid along her back. She steadied herself with a palm against Dmitri's shoulder, brushed the mane from his right eye and whispered, "I'll give you what you want"

The male drakes eyes rose to meet hers, his expression was confusion, his face softened and his ears perked slightly, he could feel the heat already rushing through his body. "Really..?" he said, raising a hand to reach out, rubbing along Ezrael's smooth furred abdomen, about halfway up where he'd press his fingers against that fur, feeling the follicles that she hid within her. "Really," she replied, staring down at him with a somber expression. Her eyes were sad when she put her arms around his neck, looking him in the eyes. "Make me feel like you love me" she muttered under her breath. "That's payment enough."


probably one of the hardest things for me to ever draw, something i disdain so much. i think it really shows just how much i cared...how far i was willing to drag myself. anyway. ignore my depressive babbling. enjoy the pre-porn. sorry, i never got to the part 2. i imagine it would have been beautiful though, some gentle cradling and kissing maybe, who knows. 



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