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ha. I did say I'd explain it "later" didn't I. Damn. Guess that means I have to type all this shit out.

I'll do a 50% lore dump for now, then when I finish the other half to these images, I'll do the other half. [and itll all be on the site ive built but havent shared yet ha]

ASTARIS is not the original Sun in the Emain solar system. In fact, it was Astaris's brother star, Pol who was the once enormous, luminous sun lighting the Emain sky.

While me wasting countless hours the last 3 days with astrophysics was...essentially pointless, it will have value when my book is published.

alright, let me stop procrastinating


Approximately 1.5 billion years ago, the star Pol was born. During this time, the young solar system on the outskirts of an arm in the milkyway began to form its first planetary bodies.


Emain took 500 million years to settle from birth to populated life forms. The planet itself took about 80million years to form. Because the Astaris/Pol system is in a densely packed region of space in the middle of a stellar nursery, material was injected from outside of the system via debris, asteroids, comets, etc [no one knows. Same as earth].


Emain being on the very edge of the goldilocks zone, and technically just outside of it was initially very cold, however life DID thrive due to the massive amounts of radioactive material in the oceans and on land [amanathine, it makes hot. Cant be frozen. Keep them oceans nice n warm]. This paired with immense gravity, an ultra dense atmosphere and heat which bounced off of etmos [who has always been fried. Sorry little rock] and reflected towards Emain. Qothos on the other hand, was firmly planted outside of the goldilocks zone and while rocky, was entirely frozen. The same base elements and microbes that landed on emain, also [obviously] peppered the surface of Qothos and Io. There the bacteria remained dormant for a few million[ a billion] years. Times were good, for a while. [about 900m years while]


Eventually Pol began to swell after it consumed all of its hydrogen fuel and it swelled so large, two planets which were originally in the goldilocks zone [about where mars is] fried under the intense heat and radiation. The subgiant phase didn't last long, only a few million years, and Pol kept swelling during this period until it entered the semi-final stage in its life. Red giant. It was during this end-of-life timeframe when the nearby forming solar system finally exploded in an array of light [and radiation] and the new baby [but enormous] Astaris was born.


As Astaris burned bright, it was also forming its own planetary bodies. The first, liiya a gas giant, took only 1 million years to form. The remaining 3 rocky bodies came later, growing from interstellar dust left in the wake of the birth of Astaris. Astaris, however, didn't wait patiently.


Its massive gravity and dense form latched onto all nearby stellar objects and over the next 100 million years, dragged them into its own orbit. By the time all was said and done, a new solar system existed where the old one had died.


Astaris even grabbed the corpse of her nearby dead star, and now the two stars orbit within the milky way like everyone else.


Pol was named in honor of Paul Walker, based on what was initially a joke between Chibi & myself. [she stated Pol "was a ride or die negro" which then began fast and furious memes. I thought to call it FURYA for fast and furious/riddick but we both liked Pol more.

There is also a very cool easter egg/bit of lore that will be upcoming when I draw the galaxy map.




I was right, theoretical space makes my brain hurt. But this is also super cool. Like amazingly cool. I can't wait to see the website when its done cooking!