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there are now [2] proto drakes out there [technically damian and camina make 4]

proto abyss were natural born abyss hybrids created from the breeding of a rift drake and veil drake parent. proto abyss were often born with wings [from the rifts] though far too small to use [often being around 20-30% from the combined stats of either 1 or 2 parent with wings themselves]

anywho, here is one of the two [i guess three] MAIN proto abyss drakes [proto drakes]

Rhaeash or just Rhae is a 500+ cycle female and potentially the eldest abyss in existence.

HOWEVER, never call her that to her face! She refers to herself as the same as her ancestors. "a drake" she gets quite touchy and irate if someone specifies what flavor of drake she is. as she sees it "I didnt live over 500 cycles to have a damn pup try to classify what the fuck I am"

she's blunt, sassy, and done with rearing young, has been for quite a while. She considers her work for the genepool done and has immersed herself fully into documenting any and all alien life she comes across in and out of Astaris.

As a civilian she never received proper combat training, however she makes use of her skills and rarely gets into a scrape she can't handle

more often than not, her duty to her people drags her away from what she REALLY loves--discovering and documenting alien and native life in an alien biome. as the eldest [?] surviving drake from Emain, she is constantly harassed by the people to take her correct place as leader of the people--however she is more than happy with the position she made for herself on the leader council. She has no desire to give herself to the people any longer as she spent "well over 300 fucking cycles doing my job for the people and playing broodmare to over 100 kin. i'm retired. now, if you have any questions about alien life you can surely call me, otherwise, leave me to my work"

Despite being a southern in looks and coat, she is a tropic in soul. She was born not in the arid and dry Vorteka lands, but across the ocean in the warm, humid tropical mountains. Her main residence on Io is located in the Seralan swampland and she primarily eats seafood, though will eat anything particularly fatty and delicious.

As she is in her middleage/older years, her metabolism has slowed. This coupled with laying over 100 eggs in her lifetime has a wider set of hips and a thicker overall form. She may look like a soft grandma, but her spit and spunk would make betty white blush.




It's the grandma drake with the bangly jewelry and beaded hair you talked about making! :D Coppery sassy grandma. She's like a crotchety old librarian that will skin you for disrupting the library's sanctity. That is a LOT of kids, jesus. I'd be a grumpy ol' bitty too if I had to do that. I know drakes age faster but uugh I'd be SO done so fast. I'm assuming it was out of a duty to propagate the species...? And did she have the luxury of being like "okay I've pushed out an egg, it's the rest of you all's problem now." (Who's the other proto-drake...? :v I'm familiar with Damian and Camina, but if the other has appeared I am very much blanking on that.)


OTHELLO. Ezraels father. He is related to at least 50% of pureblood abyss drakes (abyss+abyss pairings) he’s 10ft tall and insanely horny. He WAS the oldest drake in the canon but we tweaked it to have this cool granny be the oldest (because ya knew i wanted one) I was lazy on her ref so i could spend more time on actual art of her in her CLOAKS. And lord she's gunna have so many rings on her hands. Like a jewish gypsy granny...mixed with creole..she will read your fortune then fry some fish up 🤣🤣🤣🤣


AGHH SHE’S GORGEOUS!!! :0 I can totally see Moira being a total fangirl only to be shot down for being. Well. Weird. Which is totally fair lmfao. Big beautiful lady!!!!


Just an old crotchety granny who still believes going out back to grab dinner and whack it on the head is better than going to the market🤣