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we could say at this point 50% or more of the crew of the behemoth are varying flavors of alien dogs. XD

Ezrael coming across a recently deceased [heat, its a killer] Kyononix with a single pup. The pup is emaciated and suffering heat stroke but is surprisingly strong considering its sickly state. She opts to take the little thing with her. First thing she will do though, is pack it full of water and food so it survives the trek back to wherever she's come from.

Ammos Tasi float languidly in the background [ive yet to render them, or any of the scene. its still a rough wip]




*side-eyes a WIP I've been working on since doodling at work the other day* Uuuh I guess that's one more murder-horse-dog! xD https://i.postimg.cc/1tyr9WG2/wip.png I don't have anything behind HOW Circe might've got herself one, other than "this egg I found is in a terrible location and is going to get squashed, might as well take it and study the thing up-close as it ages". I don't think I realized that the parent sticks around to care for the baby though, so that might go out the window. Little tiny spotty babyy~


LOL awesome! we think alike apparently!! they lay 1 egg and the babies are like baby gators. fully self sufficient but mom [or dad, whichever] sticks around for a few months to teach them sneaky hunting since while babies can hunt small things that cant run away just fine [bugs] they have to learn to echolocate to properly hunt. but yes drakes 9/10 times hatch a stolen egg while fleeing like hell from mom or dad