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shown back in dec 2023 during my Drakecember challenge, here is the dossier entry for these very very good boys.

Mijorn are a strong, light weight creature with long filaments of down covering their entire body [NOT FUR--zoom in on his face and the closeup, its plumes!]

They eat fruits native to their biome [swamps, Serala region] but they've made homes in nearby colonies as they have a symbiotic relationship with drakes since early colonization. Drakes are mainly carnivorous but partake in fruit/grain/carbohydrates for enjoyment. The Mijorn are excellent at sniffing out fragrant fruit trees and will lead Drake engineers to said trees, where they proceed to harvest all the fruit. It's a win win for both parties. Mijorn have access to more fruit than before [as they can only reach low hanging or ones that have fallen] and drakes get some fruit to add to their recipes. They also get a very affectionate and rather long-lived companion.

We don't eat Mijorn unless they die of old age, then they're consumed in a festival of life. Generally speaking though, they like Galabu [the scaled cows] aren't consumed, but used for their unique skills.




Oh I see. It reminds me of mutton I believe when it comes to eating them at old age. Not bad, I like this one. Mijorn seem pretty cool in regards to the whole fruit thing.