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"There he was, the beast whom once allowed us to sleep in his colony in the southern reaches, no more. Misshapen, diseased, black and glossy he crowed from the cliff, an ear piecing screech that sounded the alarm for all other infected. The sign. "Come."

He was no longer the proud creature we had once known, he was now one of them. The dead and dying, the insane, the broken. He was our greatest enemy."

-Kisenya's private journal

Big red has existed for a LONG time, not as long as fern [fern's 34ish years old] but big red's about 20, 21 now. I created the chaos entity immediately upon the initial development of my world, and while pretty much no one has ever seen him, he's always existed in both forms. original and chaos. While I did share chaos around initially, red's design was shared with as few people as I can count on one hand. Only the most trusted friends got to see him. I'm posting him now because why not, it's patreon locked and I am fairly comfortable sharing tidbits here and there, however I will always answer questions in personal DMs with those I trust [if I am asked anything, which is actually pretty frequently, by several ppl ♥]

Kokynos means in drake RED, but Red with a flair. sort of like naming him crimson as a pup. He was a very rare coloration, even for the southern Mist colony, as red isn't really seen and is a recessive gene in Mists. When his egg cracked and that blue-white shell opened and his parents saw a small red pup, more red than any star, they were shocked. Not only was he an unusual color, but he grew to absolutely massive in size, dwarfing Fern by 2 times his size. It's this massive size that works against him in the final fight, as fern, the much smaller and more agile dragon, is able to outmaneuver him and deal lethal blows in succession.

[This information herein falls under the copyright of Emain: The forgotten and may not be used, stolen, copied, adopted or reposted]




I HIT ENTER TOO SOON BEFORE I FINISHED TYPING, SORRY THAT WAS ME Ooh, BIG red guy. That's really interesting how the infection took over and just melted him into something else vaguely shaped the same. I'm picturing something between the sauropod from Primal went zombie-rabid and the boar from Princess Mononoke that got corrupted, but worse. Because not dinosaur or giant boar. Dragon. (Maybe someday I will be brave enough to ask unprompted lore questions over DM now that I see you mention people already do, I sure get them sometimes! But I also worry about being irritating somehow so I tend to hold off. )


I saw your question because it pinged my phone LOL. He has wings btw. They’re bald. No feathers left, rotting and torn also and not really proper wings anymore but he can glide (sorta) The body is very adaptable so chaos can and will warp it for whatever it needs at the time. If he needs to fly it will grow larger wings to do so. Also all the holes are chaos vents. He can shoot out tendrils from any of those holes on his body using them to infect anyone. The organs were entirely consumed by chaos so that's where the virus stores itself when it’s not attacking someone. Only his brain remains but it too is slowly being consumed. Chaos has to keep the brain alive as long as possible to keep it’s host body alive. It can't duplicate complex brain matter but it can duplicate organs and function as replacements. Once the brain infection is too much the host dies as the brain dies. Oh and the host knows what's happening THE ENTIRE TIME until they die. They watch with their eyes as they murder and destroy.