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gave my favorite son a facelift

please dont draw him or try to get someone else to draw him, he's the only character I refuse to let anyones hands on and frankly, I dealt with him being stolen in the past so I don't want him thrown around the net because that's when ppl get their filthy greasy fingers on them




I love the iridescent colors on his scales. And the big plumage. What a tragic fate to befall he and Kisenya. But hey, he was beautiful I'd say.


Big beautiful iridescent boy! I love the little heat-sensing pits and the decorative plumes he's got. And those WINGS. I stylize my own kids' feathery wings because I can't deal with doing that many individual feathers, hats off to you for doing them all.


oh you aint joking about them fuckin WINGS. I /always/ stylize them because dear god wings suck to draw, but this time I made them real based on golden eagles and harpy eagles because those are some of the biggest flight capable birds on earth...but you knoooow my ass will go right back to stylized goofy plumes like usual