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I decided to play around with a program called EbSynth.

The basic idea is that you take some video, paint/draw over some keyframes, then it makes the whole video look like your art.

To that end I took an old 3D Kinsey I made a while back and had a go. Unfortunately it doesn't behave quite like how you'd expect. 

Instead of taking two keyframes and interpolating the frames between them using the information from both, it rather takes a single keyframe then generates frames to each side of it using the data from only that frame then crossfades the results.

This would work really well with a very loose, painty style, but not so much with clean line art.

There are a couple of things I could've done to improve this one, like making the dude bright green in the source video so that it could better distinguish (you'll notice it eventually thinks the dick is part of Kinsey). Likewise I could've done the same with her sweater.

Regardless, even with those fixes, the program really struggles with eyes, so it wouldn't be worth going back and doing it again until the entire process is improved and it can interpret multiple keyframes at once.

ANYWAY, here are the (only) four keyframes I used and the video in a zip.




Little glitches aside I thought this turned out pretty awesome, for the most part.


It's not that bad tbh