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So I finally decided to replace my ageing five year old tablet with a new one (and decided I might as well update to Windows 10 while I was at it).

It's going to take a bit of getting used to, as it's quite a bit different in terms of feel. I've also run into a few teething problems that I hope can be ironed out.

The Good:

The surface texture is fantastic.

Screen quality is vastly improved, both in terms of resolution and colour reproduction (the colours on my tablet screen finally match my primary display).

Smaller unit, but with a larger drawing area. Very light and thin.

The Bad:

The stand is fucking atrocious and I hate it.

Pen is shorter in length (this is purely a matter of taste and I might well get used to it).

Whenever I use one of the programmable shortcuts, it decides to splash a massive fucking text box telling me I just used it.

Getting weird pressure/tilt issues now and again. These are probably due to a shitty driver release, which Wacom tend to do a lot. I'll try using some older drivers, which usually fixes it.

Overall it's an improvement. Hopefully I can get stuff working perfectly before too long. Meanwhile, I shat out a quick Beth sketch as my first attempt to get to grips with how different everything is.




Oh no, apparently Windows 10 doesn't support clothes yet! The rest of her looks great though :D