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Big thanks to everyone here, July's pledges are all processed. Much Appreciated. Kinda half update here. This is going a bit slower than usual, as I made the mistake of updating Photoshop to CC 2015 without waiting 6 months or so for it to be patched into not being a massive piece of shit. So yeah, Photoshop CC 2015 is a pile of crap. If you're still on 2014, I'd advise against patching right now. On my own end, it fucked up all my settings and everything feels really off (hence slowness). I'm messing around with everything, and hopefully I'll be able to get stuff feeling right again. The most egregious thing they did though, was move "save for web" into a sub-menu and mark it as legacy. Doesn't sound like much, but considering I use this option literally dozens of times a day, it's a massive pain in the arse.



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