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As you may or may not have noticed, Vanilla Cookies is down right now. I contacted the server admin and apparently they were moving everything over to new servers and missed my stuff. I can't complain much, since they're hosting me for free. Having said that, I really hope they have backups, otherwise I'm going to have lost a lot of work. While all the images are safely stored locally (obviously), there's a chance I may lose the entire site design, forums and also stuff like the character profiles (although they at least have rough drafts saved). It's out of my hands right now, so we'll see what happens. Hopefully the site can return in it's previous form, but if I've lost everything I may have to drastically simplify things if and when it comes to remaking it.



You do you sir. Hope it all gets worked out.


laaaaaame go back to angel corps that shit was cash as fuck


Angel Corps was the best of the web!