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Tamara wins, but it was extremely close!

Next round has the potential to, conversely, be a huge landslide.

To be completely honest, MILF-y togruta lady was just tossed in there to make up the numbers, so I'll open up a POLLCEPTION to see if we can maybe make the next round a bit spicier (or not).

So, should Emi be free to steamroll her original opponent? Should Clarissa get a second chance given how close her round was? Or should I throw in a SURPRISE RINGER?


Tail Chaser

Go Clarissa!!!

Donovan "Ravenhull"

Hoping Clarissa gets her second lay... I mean chance...

Just Andy

Nah, Clarissa had her chance and came quite close. Time for somebody else to shine.

Kevin R Conk

As much as I love Clarissa, I concur with Just Andy in that she had her chance. Would we get that again for another close call? Wouldn't seem fair, otherwise. So I choose whatever is behind door # 3.