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Round one continues! Mages or aliens? This round:

Bethany Ashford: Third seed and the most stacked of the Broken Hilt trio.

Alenya Hirani: Twi'lek padawan. Again, the most stacked of her respective trio.


Thomas Manthei

Is really odd Star Wars is really popular but it can't win a simple Pole or here. Maybe this is an opportunity to start a second patreon for Star Wars content?


I think a part of that is due to the recent shitstorm surrounding TLJ, and that the OC's are more visible on Dave's patreon

Tail Chaser

Twi'leks are hot in general. Go Alenya!

Just Andy

Sorry Beth, but with Sammie, Alenya and Yara on the contest, I'm afraid my vote goes to the Twi'lek waifu.