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I'd say "a returning favourite", except nobody ever gave a shit about her.




Not true, i like Leaf. I'm just super shy 80% of the time while online.


Whoop. Ok, fair 'nuff


Dave you know this is just teasing your older fans. Your art style has really just gotten better and better overtime.

Just Andy

Oh hey, Tiffany!! Awesome!! Glad to see another Angel, especially one of my favorites design wise, coming back! Also, I looooved the redone hair and bikini piece!

Just Andy

Looks like you Bamboozled yourself there, buddy. Heheh.

Donovan "Ravenhull"

Love 99% of this, but that one ‘string’ on the right just distracts me...

Kevin R Conk

I loved all the Angel Corps girls. Crystal and Nutmeg were my favorites, but I have a thing for redheads.

Kirk Logan

Can we have more Leaf too? :D