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I decided to expand on last week's Star Wnrs sequence to give it a bit more context and throw in a little more fun.

Grab the zip from the attachments.

EDIT: I accidentally gave the twi'lek girl an extra glove in the final page. Fixed now.



Just Andy

Well, that must have been quite the earful...


Can't fault their loyalty to their master, though! Great addition to the original set.

Iscah Wynn

No force user would ever fall to the dark side if they all got issued 3 sexy padawans to train.


This is great!

Donovan "Ravenhull"

Or they would dive straight into the Darkside, taking them with them. "Sith girls put out." ;)


Heh more please

Pawel Swieton

Love it. But when we hit the Rancor panel i must admit i was wondering if he was going to share any of his Midi-chlorians with his new guest.