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It's been an entire FOUR YEARS since the last installment! (You can see those via Alex's tag if you somehow missed them.)

I'll try something a bit different this time. Rather than waiting until the entire thing is done and uploading it all at once OR posting a page at a time in new posts, instead I'll just update this post as I finish pages and hopefully Patreon should send a notification when I do.

I'm sure these "release forms" are 100% real and not something Pippa and Alex made up.

Update 1! Sexy time!

Update 2! I certainly didn't decide to remove her thigh straps because I was having huge problems drawing them foreshortened in the main panel. Definitely not!

Update 3! All done! Big version attached also.




just gonna say military intelligence has wasted money on far weirder stuff than this.

Egor A. Palchyk

If you could use a laugh, checm the "it seemed like a good idea at the time" projects from the Soviets and Americans. Like how the CIA spent 20 million (of 1960ies) USD to try to spy on the Soviets with a cat. It's hilarious.

Marvelous M

Big fan of the footjob, not gonna lie.