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Hey guys, this is Lilalmondsim!

Next month is Lilalmondsim's 2nd anniversary ♡.
And I'd like your help for a pose pack that I'll give as a gift in that month, apart from the pose packs that will be uploaded.

It would help me a lot if in the comments ⤸ you put some references (photos link) to make it poses. I'd be choosing some of them and we would do a poll to vote for 3 poses to do. Are you ok with it? ☼

I hope you are very well, I send you a huge hug! ◡̈

With love
— Lilalmondsim




https://i.pinimg.com/564x/66/73/7c/66737ca631b8607b44b25ad3703ae1df.jpg this would be amazing pls <3!


also this! :)) https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c3/3e/83/c33e831a9b125a4185f54acb74ce2c35.jpg