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Sul-sul, lil almonds! I have big news!

This couple of days I've been working on the branding of this Patreon page! 🥰 ☼ As some may know, I am a freelance Illustrator and graphic designer!
I've wanted to do this for a looooong time, because I feel that aside, it puts seriousness into this, which stopped being a hobby and became my job! 😊
So, very soon, there will be changes in the covers of each tier (a new brand mascot 🤭), and there will even be a name change in one! (Don't worry about the people inside it, it won't affect your rewards at all)

Another thing I wanted to start doing was making Sims dumps, do you like the idea? 🥰
It would be great, every month publish a sim. People within that Patreon month will have access to that download and at the end of the month the file would be deleted. This to be a special gift 🥰.
*Sims dumps would be available in the following month.

I would love to read them to know your opinions! Thank you for your support! It means the world to me!

With love
— Lilalmondsim



I'd love to see sim dumps!! Would you allow us to use them with credit??