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So I was going to have my new desk set up today but the top was damaged. Now I have to wait for a replacement. RIP.

Things have been moving pretty slowly, I apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience! We just got our mattress a few days ago, we've been sleeping on an air mattress for a month and apparently other furniture items are on backorder until JANUARY.

I do still have my portable Mobile Studio Pro tablet though, but it's been acting up (it crashed while I was making this post) and I generally work slower on it. Still, I wanna get these cartoons made so I'll post more soon!




Hypeeee hope all is well


That’s a real bummer, but I hope all gets better


I just went through the same stuff moving! Even slept on an air mattress for a month before the real mattress came in. It just makes the real mattress feel even better now! But we also had our furniture pushed back 3 times so far with the initial promise of July 17th when we ordered in May. End of this Month is the current schedule, so fingers crossed. Good luck and hope you have some smoother sailing up ahead!


It gets done when it gets done :D


Yay! Glad to see it! Take your time and do it the way you want it done; and don't you even THINK about pausing billing!


Already funny af lmao

Moonlight Lily

Hey no need to apologize ! Take ALL the time you need! This clip is so cute!! Please hang in there, everything will come together at the right time. Great things come to those who wait.


JUMPING FOR JOY! I love you!