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Good morning,

We will try to be careful of not bombarding you guys with updates, but we wanted to let you guys know we are pausing Patreon Billing for the month of March.

Please note, this is for current patrons. If you sign up during the month of March, you will be charged.

On another note, Something about The Subspace Emissary is almost done! :D




You guys don't have to do this. You're amazing. ❤❤❤


Good morning, it's like 23 in Germany :D ikik I had to mention it. It's quite nice what you're doing/even for that I will try to support you for a long time! (Even though I don't pay much whoops)


"shuddap and take my money!"


We will be supporting you nevertheless, you don't have to do this

Moonlight Lily

I will keep supporting you :) You don't have to do this. This is such a kind gesture but please, take my money ! :) Sending lots of care!


I'm on the "take my money anyway" train. Pm me the PayPal info, I'll send it direct.


But I totally get the sentiment and you guys are awesome for it

Djynn Bé

I agree the other comment, dont need to do that ^^


Thank you all for your support! Sorry if this was unclear, but normal billing will resume in April, so you don't have to do anything to your account if you planned on continuing your pledge (We had someone ask).


But I WANT you to have my money!


Are you guys taking a well-deserved break in March?