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Good afternoon (or morning, depending on where you are)!

We found out we can pause billing cycles without Patrons losing their access to our page so we are going to pause the billing cycle for April!   

So you WILL NOT be billed during April. if you are charged, reach out to us and we will reach out to Patreon to correct the issue. :)

We are so incredibly grateful that you guys support us with your hard-earned dollars, no matter how big or small the amount. <3  What we would like to encourage you to do (if you have the means to) is use your normal monthly donation to help someone in need or give to a local non-profit organization.   

Again, we cannot stress enough how much your support means to us. We love you guys, stay safe out there. 

- The TerminalMontage Team 

*EDIT:  *This applies to CURRENT Patrons. If you sign up for the first time during April, Patreon will charge your account. We suggest waiting until May to become a new Patron. :) 






That's very nice of you!


You are literally the most incredible person ever. Is there still a way we could pay you for the month if we wanted to?


Thank you :) We ❤️ you too


You are amazing! I really appreciate this. Thank you. 😭


We would really like you guys to use the money for your community, if that is at all possible! You can continue to support the channel by sharing our videos with others. :D -V


Stay safe

Madam Melisse

Wow, thank you. Hope you two are doing fine, with the crazy World atm. Do you have plans for the upcoming Month? Stay healthy with plenty of Toi paper!


Thank you and I hope you two also stay safe.:)


Wow I could understand if someone wasn't able to work due to the current conditions to pause but you're still going without pay that's really kind


I just started my pledge, too. Oh well, I'll still be around when you resume!


Take this heartfelt comment!!! Touch it!!


If you signed up, it should have charged you immediately, but you won't receive a recurring bill for next month.

Mighty Mega X

PO POYO POYO PO YO POYO (Thanks!!!!! Your are awesome!!!!) &gt; • . • &gt; ♡


Full disclosure: we will still have whatever ad revenue we make from Youtube for April and we have emergency savings specifically for plagues, floods, fires, and YT adpocalypses, so it's nowhere near comparable to what other people are going through right now. For a lot of people, they are soley dependent on one income and there is no safety net, there is no savings. :( We will give to local organizations near us and we encourage everyone else to do so if they can too! Jeremey is taking a week off since he worked 6-7 days a week for nearly the past two months on The Super Metroid animations, but he will be back at it again sometime next week after we move! We appreciate your ongoing support! - V




Terminal I sent you a private msg brotha


Men! Why are you so such beautiful person terminal ? POYO ❤️


Damn bud that’s so kind of you! Defiantly means a lot to me for you doing that!

Andrew Heller

Dam you and your good heart!!! *shakes fist*


The Mrs. found out we could do it and we made the decision as a team. :) Glad we could help!


But you tricked me into supporting you!!!!!!!! NOOOOO.


j/k Thanks. &lt;3


I hope you're staying safe throughout this epidemic! Be sure to keep hydrated!


Thank you so much! Stay safe out there

Terlron Nelson

Be careful and make sure to stay healthy 🙏💛