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If you haven't already had the chance to read it, we made a post on Tumblr about how my animation career has grown over the years! 

Thank you all again for your support!



If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt. Before Sunrise (1995) dir. Richard Linklater



I love you, man. But in a Bible-friendly way


I live right by Full Sail and have some friends who went there. It has great facilities (especially in the past few years with upgrades), but I've not heard much positive from the average alum, or local tech company about hiring from there.


I pretty much started watching when my brother sent me a text message of "Something about Super Mario World" during my lunch hour at I was hooked immediately. Loved the little references, stuff happening in the backgrounds, captions and how Mario, or Wahoo, was a very tense Mario 64 Speed runner.


Thank you for all your hard work and animations. Gave me somthing to look forward too. Really an honor to be a patreon supporter. ^^ knowing animation a lot of hard work you deserve all the praise. Thank you.


Don't ever give up my son