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So I thought about doing Undertale, I thought about doing Luigi's Dark Moon, but I have another Battle Royale I need to finish in November so I don't have time to do what I have in mind for those 2 Somethings..

However! I got a 3rd idea for a relatively quick toon.. Should be done soon! Can you guess what it is?




Hmm no idea. I'm going to guess Zombies ate my Neighbour.


I’ve heard of this game but I don’t remember what it’s called. It’s a zombie game but instead of using guns you have to type out words onscreen to kill zombies or something.

David R.

Typying of the Dead?? XD

Thibaut Renaux

The Typing of the Dead is such a ridiculous concept in the first place that I'm looking forward to see how you'll make it even more ridiculous. Also the voice acting. Dear god, the voice acting.


*furious keyboard clacking*


Yes, that makes perfect sense. Typing of the dead


I looked it up it’s called “the typing dead” but everyone beat me to it 😂