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I'm finalizing the credits then uploading it today, then waiting for Youtube to make sure it's "appropriate for ads" before setting it to Premiere later this weekend (it's a new Youtube feature, thought I'd give it a try).

But the reason I'm saying this is; if anyone becomes a new $5+ Patron after this post, they won't be in the Star Fox credits. There's a small window in between export and upload where I could miss some people and I just thought I'd let you know! 



Very excited to see it!


It'll probably be like that moving forward since YT seems to frequently mark a video inappropriate for ads by default. New Patrons within 2 days of an upload might not make it onto that video, but I'll make sure they're on the next one!


Man, you're fast! I'm excited to see what t-shirts this will spawn


I upgraded to the 25 dollar tier after Something About DK came out, will I be in the scholar credits Term?


Yes (: I check the most up to date list of Patrons when I make the credits, and it takes the upgrade into account immediately!

Madam Melisse

Appropriate for YT Ads? I wonder if it's some automated bullshit again or an actual human checking it.


Probably automated lol YT doesn't care enough to do it themselves.


HIYAA! Awesome animation once again, it was absolutely hilarious XD