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So I wanted to do 2 Halloween animations this month, the 2nd was going to be Silent Hill 2.

I guess making Luigi's Mansion spooky is easier than making SH2 silly though, I've had writer's block all week and I've been having a hard time finishing the script/storyboard. I'm almost 2/3rds the way though and I have an ending in mind. I'm just having trouble filling that gap in between in a way that I like. So I'm probably gonna save this for next year or scrap it.

I have other Nintendo Somethings I'd rather put more time into!


(No title)



Ah damn, sorry to hear. Creative blocks suck but they happen, and it's better to not force yourself to finish something you're not satisfied with. Maybe you'll be hit with ideas, inspiration and motivation out of nowhere and you'll always have the option to continue it if it does. Your work is always top quality and we always enjoy seeing all the cool things you work on. Good luck with the new stuff :)


Writer's block is something terrible and it just can't be helped sometimes. I hope you hold onto the idea for next year, though; I'd love to see your take on SH2!


Thank you! I was happy with the simple designs I came up with too, all the characters were fun to draw. I really wanted to get it done by Halloween, sure I could've released it in November but I wanted it to be a quick thing before I do other things on my list, and even if I did come up with ideas I liked I don't think I'd get it done in time. Better to let it go than to force it.


Thanks! Yeah, maybe next year (:


this year surprisingly there was a lot of Silent Hill coverage from multiple youtube channels and they all got bumped to my recommended feed ,oh well, next year it is then.