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...Final Fantasy XIV?

I beat A Real Reborn a few years back and reactivated my account with Heavensward, I've been playing it for a few days and the quests leading up to the expansion are mind numbingly boring, I hate it. I spent like 3 hours doing delivery quests yesterday, I didn't even fight anything. I love the FF series but this one is.. ehhh..

So I thought about making a quick video to mock it, not sure if I will but here are some of my doodles.




I think making a video of the game would make the part of the community that like this game mad... so yeah go for it! I’d personally be more interested in maybe a normal video on Twilight Princess, but this would still be fun to watch. Choice is up to you though, jerm


I love the Chocobo It looks like a duck crossed with a chicken


I was considering Zelda but September will be a busy month, so I might do that after. I wanted to think of something I could finish quicker :)


I can't wait to see all of these in action if you do end up making it