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So Patreon charges on the first of every month, but now I can change it so when you pledge you are charged for the month immediately, then on the first of every month after.

This helps me because there are people who pledge then unpledge come payday. 

It also helps you guys get Patron rewards faster. To be credited in videos you have had to have paid at least once, so if you're charged right away, the day I export a video I will make sure you're credited.

And for those $25 Patrons that want access to .FLA files, they won't have to wait a month, they could get it right away! (Reminder: it's 1 .fla per month per Patron!)

I linked an article going more into those details, but current Patrons won't be billed when I make the change, you'll continue being billed on the 1st of each month. But what do you guys think of this?


What is charge up front?

Charge up front is an option for monthly creators that allows them to charge their patrons immediately upon pledging. This feature is not available for creators that charge per creation. Charge up front is a You can enable it from your creator page editor.



I recommend charge up front. Better safe than sorry!


I fully support charge up front. I wonder why more people don't do it.


Yeah too many people get away with pledging, taking rewards, then unpledging. No issues here with the decision m8.


I would personally support it. When I had pledged, I checked constantly for a withdrawal, but was disappointed nothing happened, to which the PayPal direct donation was the only option. (I was also included twice in the credits but c: )


I'm okay with it. It's a good call.


I think it's understandable and worth it, as you're getting a credit right away and have access to everything right then and there. That way, as well, you don't get people who mark a pledge, see what they want, and leave you high and dry


Well I will make it so! Once I change I can't turn it back (:


Charge up front also offers more protection from bots. And guaranteeing rewards immediately is way more useful to both patrons and to you. People who give creators crap over charge up front usually have less than honorable intentions.


Always yes.


Speaking about charges is anyone else having Patreon declined there's?




I thought charging up front was standard now to avoid that very problem of people getting rewards only to skip out paying at the end of the month. I can't really see how anybody would have a problem with this unless they're complaining that they can't just weasel out some free content.