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Although, this one will be a bit different than my usual Something videos, it's not something about a specific Pokemon game, but don't worry, I'd still like to do Something about a mainline Pokemon title eventually.




Cant wait!


Out of curiosity, is there any way to try out for voices?


I'm not going to publicly announce auditions for this one, I got things covered already - but, I haven't filled the slot for Professor Oak. I know a few people that can do it but I haven't asked them yet, but if anyone else can do a good Oak voice I'd be happy to hear it :)


J there better be an obnoxious amount of "bird up" or I'm disowning you.


Is there any way in the future you can make a background like this? I love the little doodles. This looks like a perfect phone home screen.


Oh maybe :) that could be a fun thing to stream; i could do a long stream where i draw all of the pokemon then put it on shirts/posters. Not sure if I'll do that any time soon, after I finish this Pokemon animation I want to make some shirts. But now that I think about it something a little more reasonable could be a background starring all the main Pokemon in the upcoming animation.