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What's been going on in the last two months? Animations for power girl.

So what’s on this month? Developing the dialogue system and quest system! Since they're both quite connected Sabu's going to be working on them at the same time.

Showing off the new dialogue system, Matron Jen makes a quick cameo as she briefs the main character (a client) on what’s going down with the prototype so far.

A few notes about the conversation tree so far: it's possible to loop, and we can see what we’ve already selected. This system was probably the hardest to complete so far, owing to it mostly being done in the background, without the visual feedback of the animations. The Matron - and other NPCs - are emoting nicely as well, though, so there’s that going for the Sex Arcade.

In the questing side, a small quest has been added; fuck power girl in both her lower holes! Its working nicely so far, which bodes well for the future of more complex quest lines. We can see it all in the code, which Sabu shows off for a while in this section of the Dev Diary, showing off the anatomy of the dialogue system.

Going back to the Booth Area, there’s the animations coming together nicely, and the prototype is approaching the end of its usefulness as a learning tool, with one last huzzah in the little quest-line integration with the booth, which is working well. So let’s celebrate with a ballgag!

LINK: SA-Dressup 1.2 (final version) 

The Sex Arcade game is introduced now, a peek at what we will have as a final product. Showing off the Staff areas available to us: Matron’s Office, Your Room, Shop and Dining Hall, which all serves their own purposes in how the player interacts with the games, and with whom. So far, only the Matron’s room is open.

A quick reminder; the Matron and all animations/renders are temporary placeholders! The final product will feature something far better refined!

Aside from the Staff, there are also the Subject residences, where we can interact with the fine females outside of a booth environment, as well as accessing the booths themselves, which we’re pretty familiar with. Not only Power Girl’s booth, but also the other three girls, which we are going to unlock later.

The final version of the booth is shown off here, where we have the toy table and the client card. Here the aim of the game is more clear; to fulfil the requests of the randomly generated clients. Showing off the various clients (which are the avatars of the associate-tier patrons and original characters) and the general flow of the final game; seeing the number of clients to satisfy, what they want, and the ‘currencies’ of the game: Credits and Influence, which you will be needing to progress further in the game.

On a side note; the toys now will feel more used as the booth goes on, with each use making things more and more dirty; the ballgag will dribble with saliva after a few uses, and more and more uses will make your table pretty messy indeed! The crop is coming along as well, waving around menacingly over Power Girl’s breasts. These animations will be the first of many, each making the game feel more alive.

LINK: S-A The Game 0.0.1 

There we go. A huge update for you guys!

Sabu and the Sex Arcade staff

* * * 

 If you have any question, please ask them in the comment section below, I will answer it asap and add the more relevant ones to the SA game FAQ.

 Also, you can find all the Dev. Diary Summary posts  in this link .




so sad that cannot be associate X.X


unfortunately all the spots are filled at the moment =/ but when I manage to draw a good part of the portraits, I will be opening new spot ^^