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Hello my friends!
This month and I plan on working on these aspects of the game:

1 - First thing I need to do is to finish some system that were left incomplete last month, those being the “Gallery” and “e-mails” on the player room, The artwork for the “Booths Area”, and some animations for  Shopkeeper Lilly.

2 - After those are done, I will work on the booth itself, there’s a few things that i need to finish on the booth gameplay:

- Finish adding the rest of the items.
- Draw the “upgraded” skin for the items.
- Animate the liquids for the climax animation.
- Draw some other “skins” for the clients
- Set up a progression system for the clients.
- Add a blowjob system.

I’m not sure yet what of these thing I will work this month, but it will be some of them!

If you have any question you can ask in the comment ^^
Cheers and thanks for the support my friends!




Would like to have it with sound. Great work btw.


Thanks Ken! Sound is on the list as well, but I will probably add it after most of the core systems are implemented ^^


Will internal cumshots be implemented at some point?


" and some animations for the ." you w0t?