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Devil Dogs and Army Cats

**A NSFW furry short story about a Marine (wolf) and a soldier (saber tooth tiger) who bond during a military training exercise. Should take the average reader about 10-20 minutes to read**

Topaz entered the rain room. With a heavy sigh, the blonde wolf shedded his top and relieved his belt, relaxing the nagging tension at his waist.


He reached for his crotch but forced himself to halt. He glanced over his shoulder. 


He wasn’t convinced. Topaz lifted his nose to the wind and inhaled deeply, evaluating the entanglement of scents. 

Nothing fresh. Last soldier to pass by was at least 3 hours ago. The wolf concluded, confident in the accuracy of his nose, but slightly disappointed by the absence of a particular smell.

With that, the Marine discarded his mud-caked boots and grabbed a towel from his backpack.

Can males go into heat? Topaz wondered as he slid his trousers below his knees. Or am I just pent up from being around that male all week? He chuckled to himself as he recalled the week's events. 

His unit was doing joint-service training on Fort Bragg, an Army base in North Carolina. There had only been a few times in Topaz’s career when he had been around other branches besides his own, and this time, it was soldiers.

They say the rivalry between the Marines and Army is more legendary than the rivalry between the felines and canine species, and that couldn’t be more true for Topaz and his new soldier friend, a big saber tooth tiger named Timber.

Topaz had met Timber earlier this week during dry-fire drills. The saber-cat was in the 4th relay and had decided to kill time by teasing the nearest Marine…by tossing crayola crayons into Topaz’s kevlar (helmet).

Amused, Topaz picked up the orange crayon and eyeballed the saber and his battles, who struggled to stifle their snickers.

Without batting an eye, the wolf popped the crayon in his mouth and ate it.

He was rewarded with a roar of laughter from the soldiers, who felt prompted to throw even more crayons at the wolf. The commotion caught the attention of a few nearby Marines, who were quick to join in the game and tackle Topaz for the prize.

Later that day during chow, Timber approached the wolf again, this time by himself. Topaz was confused by the confrontation, until the big cat produced a single green crayon from his breast pocket.

“For me?” 

“Yeah. Since the other Marines stole your crayons.” Timber replied in a strangely serious tone. 

Topaz grinned, realizing that the soldier was as adamant about entertaining the game as he was.

“Well semper fuckin’ fi!” He snatched the crayon up quickly. “I’m gonna save this one for later.” He buried it in his pocket and thanked the tiger before returning to his meal, somehow flattered by the interaction.

From that moment, it was game on between the two star-crossed warriors. With nothing but time to kill between training, Topaz and Timber were more than willing to make their own field-entertainment.

The next day, the tiger would awake to find a pile of bootbands by his sleeping-system and a messy note written in green-crayon that read:

You guys need these more than the Marines.

Timber snorted. It was an on-going joke amongst service members that certain interactions are “not gay if you’re wearing bootbands.” 

Later, Topaz  would received a reply from Timber, with the returned bootbands and a note that stated:

At least I’m not in the department of the Navy.

As the training intensified, so did the game. The friendly jokes now turned into PT competitions…a push up contest, a race, a plank; Topaz winning some, Timber winning most. They even found themselves comparing range cards at one point during the week. 

       The playful taunting also escalated to darker and darker jokes. Rather than become offended, the two found solidarity in their cruel sense of humor. So much so that Topaz found himself spending more and more time with the soldier-friend. It was also this realization that made him aware that cross-branch war had became nearly exclusive amongst just the two of them. 

One day, Topaz and Timber were on the same relay for the live-fire shoot. As they waited for their turn to fire, Topaz grabbed the back of Timber’s kit and shook him.

“HEY TIMBER!” Topaz shouted, ears ringing with the sound of M4s peppering their target.

Timber turned and slightly squatted to his short friend. “What!” He adjusted his ear pro.

“You know why soldiers say ‘hooah’, right?”

Timber narrowed his eyes.

“You know why, right?” Topaz prodded, a smug smile growing on his face.

“You’re going to tell me anyway.”

“Just ask why.”

Timber exhaled dramatically and turned to Topaz. “Why?”

“Because they’re trying to say oorah with a dick in their mouth!”’

Timber rolled his eyes let out a slight chuckle that was quickly drowned out by Topaz wheezing like a breaking-train. He fell into a pit of laughter.

Timber grabbed the chinstraps of the howling wolf and shook him, making his kevlar bounce. “You’re not supposed to laugh at your own jokes, retard!” Timber laughed. 

This sent Topaz into another laughing fit, which got Timber tickled.

Their moment was interrupted by an announcement from one of range coaches “Hey dumb asses on the little end!...Shut the fuck up!” 

“Roger that!”

After shooting, the group shed their gear and performed a ‘police call’ on the range, lining up shoulder to shoulder and stepping forward together to pick up all the brass and trash left behind. Topaz got separated from Timber in the crowd, but spotted him shortly, only a few paces ahead. 

Topaz grinned and opened his mouth to call the tiger, but just as he did, Timber bent over to grab a bullet shell.

He has a nice ass. Topaz thought.

He was going to call out to him, but suddenly found himself more interested in checking the tiger out from a respectful distance.

Timber had stripped into a form-fitting t-shirt and cammie bottoms. He had an attractive, triangle-shaped silhouette, the wolf noticed. Like most tigers, he was built for strength, and speed with a big back and lean waist. Topaz wasnt surprised why the tiger had smoked him in so many competitions… If not for his strength, then for his size. He had known the tiger was tall, but seeing him towering over the other mammals in the field really put things into perspective.Even next to his own battle buddies, (which were all feline as well) Timber stood out.

That evening, Topaz found himself thinking about the soldier. He decided that he would definitely ask the tiger for his number, and perhaps his socials. It would be nice to keep in touch with the tiger.

And to show-off my soldier friend to the Marines back at my shop. 

If his phone wasn’t dead,  the wolf would already have looked him up on Facebook.

The next day, mother nature decided to punish the unit with her usual, routine thunder-storm. No matter the season or the reason, she always showed up just in time to inconvenience service members in the field.

Topaz, like most of his canine-battles, didn’t mind the rain as long as his feet were dry. He welcomed the gray skies and showers, finally able to keep his body cool without panting. On the other hand, Timber was not as welcoming.

“How’d you sleep last night?” Topaz asked, shaking his fur to rid himself of the rain that soaked his neck fluff.

Timber furrowed his brows. “Like a baby,” He wiped his face, which was now covered in Topaz’s raindrops “-being aborted.” He flicked the water droplets back into the wolf’s face.

Topaz shook his face again. “Aw it’s not that bad, as long as your shit stays dry-”

“My shit is soaked.” 

“Then build better a-frames”

“My tarp has a hole in it.”

“Use duct-tape.”

“I made a hole in my sleep.”

“Why’d you do that?” 

Timber growled. “I accidentally got my claw hooked in it when I was trying to adjust it.”

At that moment, one of Timber’s buddies approached, a golden cheetah named Machee.

“It’s just because Timber is a fucking retard.” He patted the tiger on the shoulder.

“Actually,” Timber flicked the cheetah’s paw.  “it’s because CIF gave me a medium tarp when I’m supposed to be issued a large-tall.”

“Get fucked.” Topaz laughed.

Timber rolled his eyes. “Oh I am, every night actually.”

“And you still won’t accept my bootbands.” The wolf sighed.

Timber smirked. “Like I said,” he grabbed a paw-full of fluff on Topaz’s head and gently shook him. “I think you Marines need it more, you know, being department of the Navy and all that.”

“Hey man, it’s 2023. If you’re not kissing your battle-buddies goodnight, then you’re wrong” Machee added.

“Kiss them? I make love to them.” Timber stated.

“With or without bootbands?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know, Navy-boy.”

Topaz growled playfully at Timber. 

“Easy Tiger.” The cheetah laughed. “Remember, the Marines bite.”

Topaz grinned, flashing a mouth full of fangs. “They don’t call us devil dogs for nothing.”

The cats chuckled. 

“Why are there so many canines in the Marine Corps anyway? I always thought that was just a rumor but…” The cheetah gestured to the crowd, noting the distinction of canines and felines across the two branches.

“It’s because Marines are amphibious. And dogs don’t mind getting wet.” Topaz concluded, splashing a puddle to prove his point. “You guys on the other hand…”

Timber furrowed his brow. “Hey, I like the water, I just don’t like my balls chafing all day because my clothes are wet.”

“Sounds like a cat-problem.”

“...At least we’ve never humped our battle buddies leg.” The two cats fist bumped.

“You say that like it's a bad thing.” 

“It’s certainly not something to be proud of.”

“Hey faggots!” The three mammals turned to see one of Timber’s sergeants. “Get over here, staff sergeant is going to give us a brief.”

“Another?” Asked Timber.

His sergeant shrugged. “I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.” With that, the mammals gathered in a school-circle around a dark-maned lion.

The lion announced that the weather had desecrated the range, turning the once-dry field into a giant pool of sludge. The officer in charge (OIC) decided to call off the morning shoot and was attempting to coordinate with another range. For now, the mammals were free to go back to the squad bays to shower and dry off their gear.

“It’s kinda funny how they always preach to us to ‘train how we fight’, but the moment it rains they have us dip.” Timber laughed, flipping his back-pack on his shoulder.

“We?” Topaz laughed. “I have never had training called off on the account of rain.”

Timber chuckled. “Well, that’s because company’s attached to us. If it was just sniper section, we’d be dragging our asses through the mud with you.”

Topaz blinked. “You’re a sniper?”

Timber nodded.

“Oh dude that’s so fucking cool!” Topaz’s tail began to wag. “I had no idea.” 

He’s friendly, handsome, and a bad ass? Timber just keeps getting more and more attractive.  

The saber smiled sheepishly. “It’s pretty cool I guess.” 

“Ha! I don’t feel so bad about losing the PT competition now.”

Timber smirked. “Hey, you’re not too bad for a POG.” (People Other than Grunt)

Topaz bumped Timber with his hips, making him stumble.

“Hey, that was a low-blow! And I’ll have you know, I’m the least poggy-pog you’ll ever meet. I am combat camera after all.” 

“You’re still a pog.” Timber teased. “And you’re short.”

“I may be tiny, but I am mighty.”

Machee padded up to the two “Hey Timber, I bet you wouldn’t have gotten caught on your last stalk if you were short like Topaz.”

“You’re probably right.” 

The three entered the squadbay. 

“I’m gonna take a shower.” Machee announced. “Ya’ll comin?”

“At least buy me dinner first.” Topaz replied. He then smiled and said “No, I’m gonna shower late tonight so I can actually enjoy it.”

Timber nodded. “I’m the same way.”

“ I thought you faggots would want to get naked with me” Machee pouted. “Fine, I guess I’ll shower all by myself.”

“Damn man, I guess I'll get naked if you’re that desperate.” Timber replied jokingly, pulling up his shirt. Topaz stole a glance at his waist. 

Machee waved his paws, dismissing him. “Nope, I’m over you. I’m showering alone.” The cheetah dramatically grabbed his towel and left the two. 

Topaz shook his head and smiled. What a goof.

“Do you want to shower with me tonight?” Timber suddenly asked, tone serious as death.

Topaz’s heart raced. 

“-With you?” he stuttered, unable to hide the blush burning his face.

Timber’s eyes widened, as if realizing the weight of his request. 

“Better bring those bootbands.” Timber joked, quickly diffusing the tension. 

Topaz laughed nervously. “Always.”

A few moments later Topaz was back on his pack, laying out his uniforms that got damp from the night before.

Was Timber being serious or was he just fucking with me? Topaz wondered, drawing out his write-in-the-rain notebook. He shook his head. He’s probably just joking. I doubt a guy like him swings my way. He glanced over at Timber’s pack. 

The feline was staring at him. 

Topaz jerked his head to the floor, turning red. 

Holy shit.

His tail started to thump on the bed. The wolf quickly grabbed it and stuffed it under his thighs. 

Topaz didn’t dare to look again… but if Timber wanted something to look at, the wolf would give him something to look at.

My shirt is wet, anyway….Topaz thought as he peeled the olive green shirt off his chest. He turned around and pretended to yawn, stretching his back muscles and flexing his biceps. 

I wonder if he’s looking? Topaz thought. 

For the rest of the day, Topaz decided to keep a respectful distance from the tiger. He was unsure if the growing tension was real, or if it was just a figment of his own clouded judgment. If it was the latter, then he was happy to keep his shirt off and find reasons to flex. If not, then at least his behavior would be excusable by the weather.

Soon, day turned to dusk and then night. All day, Timber’s words ringed in the Marines' ears. Do you want to shower with me tonight? He couldn’t help but hope that was more than just a joke.

-And that’s what led him to this moment, undressing by himself in the rain room late at night. 

He had sniffed around the bay for a while, hoping that Timber would show up. After fifteen minutes of awkwardly standing in the dark, Topaz decided to give it a break and simply take his shower.

Disappointed, he dropped the towel becoming fully nude. He approached the nozzle and started the water, letting it steam up to a comfortable temperature. 

But it was not a total loss. While he may not be able to relive the longing in his heart, he could at least relieve the longing between his legs. It had taken him a great deal of effort to not jerk himself off in the bathroom earlier that day.

Images crossed his mind, Timber bent over, Timber lifting his shirt, Timber repeating the words Do you want to take a shower with me tonight? Topaz felt a growing pressure between his legs. His furry shaft was beginning to swell, the very tip of his blush-red cock already starting to crest.

Topaz closed his eyes and imagined Timber entering the shower. He thought about him removing his towel and exposing his erect cock to the wolf. If that happened, Topaz determined he would get on his knees and let that tiger use his muzzle like a toy. 

Topaz grabbed his shaft and started to work his growing bulge. 

He imagined the tiger starting to rock into his face, pushing his cock a little deeper into his mouth with each bob of his head. He would start to pant, and his hot breath would surely feel amazing on the tiger’s hard-on. 

Topaz gripped his shaft and started to jerk it faster. With this, it finally slid completely out of the shaft, knot and all, aching to be touched.

Topaz opened his maw and allowed a rope of saliva to fall onto the tip. He worked it around the whole cock with his paws before allowing himself to re-enter his fantasy.

The wolf grabbed his cock and imagined himself pointing it to the tiger’s tight ass. He exhaled, slowly pushing his whole hand down the length of his throbbing shaft. In his mind, he envisioned Timber’s warm ass relaxing around his girth. Maybe Timber would moan, but Topaz had a feeling it would be more realistic for the soldier to say something more like-


Topaz froze. 

Then he smelled it. Timber’s musk, and the sound of another shower running.

Even though he had stopped touching himself, the fresh smells of Timber and the supposed sound of his voice made the wolf feel like he was about to bust. 

Eager to know if his fantasy was coming true, Topaz b-lined it towards the smell, clutching his towel in one paw.

Then he saw it.

Timber had actually come to the rainroom, just on the opposite side of the bay. And there he stood, under his own shower, jerking off towards the wall.

Topaz’s own cock bounced from how hard it pulsed.

Like a deer in headlights, the wolf felt frozen in time, watching the big tiger masturbate. 

An aroma of sex radiated from Timber, intoxicating Topaz. Before he could process what was happening, his own body responded with a fresh, powerful wave of sexual pheromones. 

The smell must have hit Timber like a bolt of lighting, because in less than three seconds, the feline released his cock to investigate the smell, only to find Topaz staring at him, nude and erect.


An ocean of emotions crashed over Timber’s face, starting with pure horror, to confusion, to something else. 

“Hi.” Timber said, ending the century of silence.

Neither made any attempt to hide their cocks.

“Hi.” Replied Topaz.

“L-like what you see?” Timber asked, forcing himself to smile. His chest was fluttering like a moth.

Topaz gave a nervous thumbs up.

“Ah, uh…are you-?”


Timber swallowed nervously.

“Do you wanna-”


Topaz’s tail started to wag. 

Timber inhaled.

“Not here. The smell would-”

“I know.”

The two stared at each other.

“Can I just...” Topaz gestured at Timber’s lower half.

Timber reached for Topaz’s paw and guided him between his legs. Reassured, Topaz grabbed Timber’s cock. He slid his paw up and down, feeling the warmth and thickness of the soldier.

“Holy fuck,” Topaz whispered, only loud enough for Timber to hear.

The tiger shifted his weight, bending down to the Marine’s level. A gasp escaped Topaz as he felt Timber’s huge paw grab his own cock, sliding up and down the shaft as he did. Timbers index finger paused over the base of his cock.

“Is this your knot?” Timber whispered, massaging it with his fingers. 

Topaz nodded.

Timber nervously rolled his fingers over the tight round ball.

Holy fuck. Oh my god. Topaz’s body responded to Timber by releasing an intoxicating pheromone; it was the universal smell that signaled a male stud wanting to breed.

The tiger's nostrils flared as he took in the scent, then grabbed the entire cock from the base and gently tugged it up and down. 

“I want your knot so fucking badly.” Timber whispered as he started to masturbate the wolf. 

Topaz whined at his touch, and began to grind into the tiger's paws, red cock gliding between the paw pads like butter,

“Fuck,” Timber exhaled. His voice was raspy and deep. Topaz felt inclined to pick up the pace. His balls started to slap into Timbers hand.

Timber squeezed his eyes shut.


The Marine halted.

“We need to stop, we’re going to stink up the whole squadbay if we keep going.” Timber whispered.

“You’re making that very difficult on me.” Topaz hissed.


Timber released Topaz’s cock. Precum and spit dripped from the erection.

The two stared at each other, taking solidarity in their mutual desire for the other.

“Wanna meet in the woods outside alpha range tomorrow night?”

“What time?” inquired the tiger.

“2300 if all works out.”


The two looked at each other.

“Timber, I want you now.” The wolf stated sadly, looking longingly at the other’s lower region.

“Fuck, Topaz-” His voice shook. “You’re really making me think about risking it all right now.” 

The Marine growled in frustration. “We should…probably finish by ourselves before we get in trouble.”

Timber chuckled. “Yeah. I uh…I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yep. I’m…gonna go finish in the other room.” He pointed towards the exit.

“Can you take a pic? Or something.” Timber asked shyly.

“Of my-”

Timber nodded.


The wolf started to walk away. 

He stopped.

“Wait, I don’t have your number.”

Timber’s eyes widened. “Oh!” He grabbed his phone which was sitting on the bench. The two quietly exchanged numbers.

"So, tomorrow at 2300?" Topaz made an "o" shape with one of his hands, and proceeded to gently jab his other index finger inside.

Timber blushed. "Fuck yes."

“Do I need to bring bootbands?" The wolf asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Timber smirked.

"Hell no."


***Author’s notes***

Your feedback would be welcomed! 

If at any point the timeline, characters or language confused you, please let me know! And if you enjoyed this story or wish to see more like this, feel free to comment. 

Constructive criticism and/or suggestions for these characters is welcomed. I plan on expanding this universe with more art and (potentially) more written work.

Thanks for reading!

And just to clarify, the logic of this universe is that certain smells act as universal signals among mammals. If Timber and Topaz were to have sex with each other (or finish in close proximity) the smell would expose them and they could ‘get caught’ by scent alone.



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