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im so happy I got the page out before the new pay period XD seems like you guys did too! <3

okay so for the next few days heres the plan, Im going to be doing patreon rewards, there 3 I want to finish. after that theres 2 sketches from a commission batch last month I'd like to finish

then I'll be doing the next page of tiny efforts (yay). Theres 10 pages left in this story, when the pages are closer to being done I might take a break to focus on another story. not sure though, i might randomly come up with and start before tiny is even finished just so theres no lul

but thats its!! so hopefully youre looking forward to the next few uploads ^^

FORBIDDEN WANTS- so a few people have asked, ive answer a few times in comments or on discord but maybe I have on here. I took a break from it because I was getting overwhelmed with have a full color comic, a black and white comic, on top of commissions so I needed to slow down. I also wasnt sure how to continue, I was having a block so it seemed like a good time to take a break. I'd like to come back and finish it in 2024 but I don't have a date set. 

that being said, its not a cancelled project, just a suspended one until I can dedicate time to make a comic will detailed pages again



You may have answered this previously but I am curious when do you plan on continuing Forbidden Wants?


Ye I’m also curious (not that I don’t love the rest of course)