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okay so we'll start by saying..my rat just died. like 2 hours ago. Im still processing. it hasnt really hit me yet but im going to take a day or 2 to myself then come back for more work, or i might just keep going. idk. working might be better than sulking we'll see


as of right now i am out of pre written pages for the comic and I'll be taking the next 2-3 weeks to script out the next part of the story. Part two will feature mainly the King, The Queen, and how Kaya was conceived through magic, and a deal.  


I am going to be putting together a website. Aiming to make it easy to read my comics through fully. It wont be up to date with patreon posts but it will make it easier to sift through comics as pages are made public. I'm not sure what it would have, my main goal is like i said, easy read but I might add other info like prices, contact info or other links. IDK, but i'll keep you guys posted as time goes on


I have 17 pre written pages (ending not set) for this and REEEEALLY want to work more on it. I will be using the next few weeks while I'm scripting FW part 2 as an excuse to ALSO really buckle down on this project. I have a lot of comic short ideas and I get way to carried away wanting to put of much into it as possible so I think after this one I will be sticking to ONE long comic and then maybe a short thats 5-7 pages so I can keep things new a fresh every few months.


not sure if you guys noticed but i updated the mount of people that can take a sketch slot. depending on how the next while goes I might raise it agai. THAT BEING SAID. I need to try and make sure im not taking to many or it might prevent me from taking other commissions all together because my time will be consumed. 

OKAY THATS IT. Thats pretty much all I have to report for you guys atm. if you have questions please ask, I will try to answer as I see them. I hope everyone had a good weekend : )



sorry for your rat, good rest to you

Axel Ice

Sorry for your loss, take all the time you need

Kenwood _

Take care of yourself, we'll still be here when you get back!


So sorry to hear that ❤️. Like most have said though take as long as you need


Take as long as you need! We've all been there!


Sorry to hear about your ratty.