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and myself or any of my character a question and lets see what they say!! >:3

cut off time is the 15th of this month!




To Abba: would you do all of the crazy fun you had with kaya with aother big gal?


Is it common for the smaller races to be straight up eaten by the larger races? Like, its obviously possible, but is this common enough to be a constant danger to the little fellas?

Kenwood _

To Venus: what do other people think about your vore fetish! Have you ever carried anyone around endo-style and had to hide any awkward encounters?


Is there a chance for a small race involved threesome? 😇

Crit Happens

To Abba: would you ever try to grow yourself / shrink kaya so you can become her knight in (metaphorical) shinning armor to save her from a fate that was unfairly decided for her?


To the lynx herself: would you date a pocket sized dragon? Asking for a friend.


To Kaya: If given an option, would you marry Abba?


To you! Thoughts on sharks? Thoughts on Bunnies? totally asking for a friend...