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I’m still working on the new comic story board, I am THIS /‘(Q.< )\ close to having it done then Ican start completing pages. My format is going to change slightly but I am SUPER confident that you guys are going to LOVE not only how this one is going to look but the content as well. It’s got sex, macro worship, UB, vore, ext!

Personal Recommendation is coming to a close soon so I want to have tiny efforts story board finished either before or right after.

In regards to forbidden wants. I think I’m closing it..I’m joking lol I’m going to start making drafts for it again once I finish the tiny efforts story board. The newer format for the pages of forbidden wants are going to change as well. This is all in an effort to be able to produce more content without feeling to overly stressed about how much detail is needed for each page. Again..I think you guys are really going to like it! It’s still a comic, just a little style change

And finally! Big where it counts, I’m redoing it!! Not the characters or the story itself but again the format is going to change lightly, for the better!

If you have any questions feel free to ask



Love to hear this, hope all goes well, my self and others will be waiting to see what other masterpieces you produce 😁