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hi hello!

so I wanted to give you some updates and insight on what I'm planning to do after personal recommendations is over. No, I'm still not ready to revisit forbidden wants, its a very large project and I'm enjoying the progress on making with some other things. I'm sorry to disappoint. this isnt to say I wont keep going with it since it does have a set ending but not at this point in time.

 I DO want to keep making comics and at a regular rate. I have a few that I managed to get a story board put together for which im excited about. two character you already saw! they will be the mains in a few comic I have coming up shortly. I'm not sure if it will be colored or not, I hope it will be since I wont to put more effort into stuff I give you guys! I dont want to give to much away but Neal is a very needy, very small boi with a desperate need to please his macro mommy lol im looking forward to showing you the dynamic, pretty cute!

Next is kaya and the thief! I'm still going to make more of that! we have 3 pieces so far and believe it or not..we have about 3 more to go ; P wonder what'll happen!! : o 

AND FINALLY! its my birthday next week! I'll be a 28 year old lady on the 16 this month. its not a significant number haha but it only happens once a year so I'm going to take a day or two off to enjoy myself around that time <3

hope everyone is doing well and enjoying my content thus far! have a good rest of your day ^^


big where is counts IS being worked on, it got put on the back burner because I didnt have access to my normal tablet buuut I do now!!! so prepare for that 



Keep going at your own pace and don't burn ya self out, your content is beyond amazing it is wonderful to see anything come from you, stay amazing 💜


Happy early birthday!


Happy ealry Birthday!


Happy early birthday indeed!


But what about big where it counts ? Is that not being worked on further ?


Can't wait! Your work is always appreciated


good questions actually! I wanted to restart from the beginning on a different media but I want to finish it since I already made a sketch outline for the entire thing hahah


Take your time! We will be here to support you and your decisions!


We share the exact same birthday day! Just...a few years apart! Happy (soon) birthday!