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Honestly? Idk! I guess in the sense of it being pleasurable and there’s no DEATH because I’m really not into perma :/ I don’t like seeing characters harmed so in MY world perma is illegal BUT you can buy a gem (it’s costly) to offer reform! It’s encouraged to use digest X (I thing I’m making up right now for this scenario) so during digestion instead of pain, there’s a warm, pleasant tingly feeling. After being consumed fully the gem with glow VERY BRIGHT, then all you have to do is reform the gem from you locket or bracelet theeeen SMASH IT ON THE GROWN!!! a big POOF cloud of smoke will erupt and a slimy, reformed friend will be resting on the floor asleep. The gems are a one time use thing since you have to smash them open but hey..if that’s what your in to! My world has you covered xD

That would be my take! 😝




Venus has a brother? 👀

Carissa Vixen

I’m gonna have to save up for a supply of gems… ❤️


I know a snake that would be happy with a rabbit dinner


I'd imagine that there would be people in this world that view the gems like how some people in sci-fi view teleporters: you die, and another you walks away.