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And it’s on my HAND, my right one at that. I have a cyst or tumour that’s grown in the past few months that’s very close to a joint and some days I can’t really move my hand all that great. IM FINE, I promise, I’m just taking some time off soon. They want to send my cyst or tumour off to see what it actually is because they don’t know, it’s a hard spot to x ray. If it IS cancerous then I’ll have to go back in my my left hand but I doubt it is so don’t panic I’m just keeping you guys in the knoooow

Oct 3rd is my surgery and I’m not allowed to work or use my hand for 10 days minimum which given my profession.. fuck xD so I will be working as much as I can leading up to it so I can rest comfortably without worrying to much. I will TRY to have something scheduled for you guys to see while I’m away but again I’ll keep you guys posted

I’m not going a recovery fund for a go fund me for costs, everything is covered so don’t you guys worry!

If you have an questions don’t hesitate to ask



Focus on getting better


Good luck


🤞🤞 I hope everything goes well and nothing serious comes of it ❤. Take as long as you need to get better, cause you can't rush the rehab


Ouch. That's rough. Take it easy with that hand. Do less work when getting closer to surgery date, that way there less chances of having complications when receiving treatment. Get well soon. (I suggest taking October off for the time being.)


Resting before surgery can help that? 0.0 i wqs never told that! I plan on taking the majority of October off but as instructed by my surgeon I won't be taking all of October off. According to her it's extremely important to move the muscles as soon as they are able without pain which is awesome because I love working hqhah


Recovery does require rehabilitation training for maintaining full movement of injured parts. Just don't push it until you have gotten full recovery. Do some training focused on your joints and movements, and go easy on your usual tasks. Just don't go 100% as before, until you have gone 100% fully recovered, or it can cause injury and undo most of your healing. I Suggest that you speak with your doctor about your daily task, and see what you can/can't do to prevent injuries while recovering, as to not push yourself too much. Ask about doing exercises for maintaining movements to help you recover properly.


Good luck! Hope all goes well. 🍀🤞