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so I'm cutting it  little close (time wise) on being able to finish project so just hang tight and I promise I'll have something finished for you guys this week. Life has been running me a little ragged but I'm getting my Barings back steadily 

on another note! I feel like its not widely known on there so I'll just put it out there. the 3rd tier (12$ tier) is a sketch request tier. once, maybe 1-2 times a week I'll ask this tier for OC they own so I can pick 1 to do warm ups before working. Its NOT a raffle, however 3-5 people each month will be getting colorless sketches as my choosing so its not random

if if you'll get disappointed if/when not picked this isnt a smart tier for you to pick, this just lets you into that part of my patreon where I offer whim sketches at no cost other than the tier itself



I'm sure we've all said it before, but look after yourself first! ♥️. Can't make your amazing arts if you're running yourself into the ground.