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okay so i wasn't feeling the best last month nd I'm still playing catch up on a few things so this month im going to go back and just do a voted sketch request or two. so lemme know what you guys wanna see! i'll pick a few of my favorite suggestions then you guys vote on what I'll finish<3  since I didnt do Q/a last month (im very sorry btw...) I'll try to do some extra stuff this month!

like before! it can be anything from fan art from a game to 2 separate character meeting outside the comic plot! 

I will pick and post the ones I like and you guys can vote on them in a few days so take your time and you can ask or suggest more than one thing! I will give you credit when things are posted if yours is piiiicked<3


Lunar Magic

Draw lil goblin doing cute stuff...maybe on a ball


You already know I want that lewd jyro pinup


Draw Goblin smacking Caid on the snoot with newspaper


How about Abba in Kaya's womb, and Kaya in Venus's gut, while her and her wife Gabby are screwing around? Cross over of cross vorer. Or Abba sandwich between Kaya and Gabby's scissoring, and french kissing, while inside Venus's gut, with Ruth going on max settings?