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long story short my bumd-ass ripped a nail off my drawing hand  so now when i draw it hurts and pulsates so i gotta take a rain check for a few days to a week till the nasty thing heals a little

I paid good money these nail damnit -.- the hell....well I still have wips I can post over the next few days but i cant complete anything, hurts to friggin much. So my off period will be next week so you guy will still get another page of FW before the month ends


Shuken Flash

Ouch. Hope you feel better soon


That sucks, vg. Take it easy, I wish you a speedy healing

Ryan Prymak

Yep, give it some time to heal. Don’t rush back into things because it’ll just make it worse. Just keep it clean, use a bandaid, and it’ll be good as new!

Stinging Formula

We all have a dumb moments! I put my foot between an unstoppable force and an immovable one… THAT hurt a tonne! But take it easy auntie VG, your well being is more important.