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I've been giving it some thought and I'm not sure which direction to take or if I should just do what I feel in the moment so ill need your opinion

once a month i can pick between doing one of these options so PLEASE READ THEM if youre voting to make sure you picked what you want

1-Q&A where everyone gets a chance to ask questions to either me or the characters I've made, I pick 3 questions and answer them with simple sketches

2-each month I ask what I should draw a piece of any of my characters (non canon so literally anything) and then you guys can vote on my favorite suggestions to select one for me to do. (I might even stream it)

3-at the beginning of the month I let you guys decide what I do

4-at the beginning of the month I surprise you which my own choice



Both (1 & 2) are good options. ^^ With 3 it might take too much time until every poll is done (First poll for choosing option 1 or 2 and then the questions and polls for the chosen option...). :| With option 4 there still can be option 1 & 2, but you decide (and that's faster). And with that the chance is better that you yourself want to do that in that month. And with that you may be happier and thus we're happier (and get better content, because you can do what you like more for that month). ^.^ And if you decide that 4 months in a row is a Q/A-month. That's totally fine! ^-^ Just my two pieces of... cents/pennies? ^-^' (Thanks for your cool art <3)