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so if you saw my past post you know I've been going through some stuff the last little while its its getting increasingly harder to find motivation to even get up in the morning let alone work. The past will get done today and I am immediately going to move on tp doing the next page on my gator girlfriend since its taking me more time to finish one page than normal 

I really appreciate you guys being so kind to me and giving me more time to give you the content you're wanting.  I promise I'm going to be getting some help on board here so my work load isnt as heavy.again guys just thank you, I appreciate you guys so fucking much you have no idea 



It's totally fine. You've helped many of us out by just being yourself. Waiting for you is the least we can do. If there's anything that I could do to help just let me know and I'd gladly help. Keep being you and keep on fighting. 😁