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so if it wan't obvious to some, I have been struggling to keep up with things the past few weeks/month. I dont have any reason other than I am now a single income house hold and the stress/fatigue is starting to set in. The rest of this month is going to be a little challenging for me but I am trying to hardest to get things out in a timely manner since it's only me doing all this. I don't have help (my choice, im a control freak when it comes to me work) with writing, art, or basic up keep, its just me

There's not going to be any change in how I plan to do things, I still plan to get back into answering questions for the cast, freebie streams (WHEN I HAVE TIME) and bonus illustrations voted by you guys. I just have to readjust how I do things over the next few weeks so I can get back into it.

thank you for being patient with me, this is a very weird time for me but I am doing what I can to get back into a workable schedule for myself <3

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  



Don't worry about it. From what I've seen your fan base is very forgiving. Its all entertainment anyway no job is worth burning yourself out over. Especially with art it'll show if your heart isn't in it. Take care buddy.

Eon Rider

Take all the time you need. I know life happens.


Yeah we're totally forgiving, it's better to keep yourself sane and happy than to work yourself too hard


You look after you first!