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guys im very sorry..I really, REALLY hate admitting this but this is my job and I need to be clear. I'm not in a very stable place. My current situation is very toxic and dangerous to my mental health so I need more than anything to just recover for a bit.

This week there will be no update, I don't really have to ability to work steadily right now but from what I understand I will be able to get back to normal next week when this is possibly over and done with.

again im very sorry, I hate not being able to work or perform to my normal standards since it's become such a normal thing for me.

to fill some of the lack of content I'm willing to answer question from you guys about the characters or even artist, questions about past pieces. That's pretty much all I'm capable of atm. 



Do what you have to do to get better because your important and you come first not the art, your art is amazing don't get me wrong. So please take as much time as you need to get better


If you need anything...


No problem here, I'll support you thru your lows and highs just the same


Take as much time as you need. Everyone runs into trouble every now and then. There is no need to apologies.


You do not need to apologize. I can't speak for everyone but take however much time you need, your mental and/or physical health is more important then a comic page. I wish you the best and hope you get through the situation you are in with the least amount of stress and trouble.


Rest well and don't guilt-trip yourself. We're here to support you because you're capable of amazing things, and that support is both in money, time, and respect. Take care


We understand. Rest up.


We can all ask questions about the characters at any time. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself. We may like the smut but it's the artist we truly care for.


Hope everything comes out ok in the end! Rest up and take care!


very sorry to hear about the troubles, Wishing you the best from here.