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alright so a few people pointed out a few things so I decided to do a half way point? idk!

let me know what you think! I really like venus and would like to keep her this way but Abby had the most critiques so yeah! 

lets see what you guys have to say! I want to make something  people will enjoy and everyone can like



Eon Rider

How about the one you love the best? You are the amazing artist putting up with your crazy fans.

Lunar Magic

I like old Abby better but love new Venus


I vote for Canine Abby.


New venus... if it's gonna be new abby I prefer short hair abby


Long hair either way, but I like canine Abbey


I love them both as they are now


Honestly prefer the longer purple hair (just mixed with redesign short fur). Everything else is great on both sides. But if you want both shorter then I’m not going to complain. YOUR character YOUR choice. Both design are great in there own way.


I'm a sucker for fluffier tails, so the longer haired version has my vote. That said I like the look of either.


Past version of Abby and current version of Venus would be a perfect match in my sense. Although, If choices are limited to only two versions of Abby, I'd place my vote on longer haired one.


Long hair


I like short hair cat Abby, but I also love Venus. I simply can't decide between the two. I think you should put both Venus and Abby in the comic. I think it'd be weird without them.


new Venus is grate not so much the new Abby


I love the long hair one :D