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recap!  for full info read my last post

steady upload every other week *not permanent* as stated prior, after commissions are finished I will be focusing on patreon weekly uploads

8$ tier changed to 10$ tier (Beginning of next month)  access to all WIPs for com sketches, comics, and access to patreon only streams on discord  

please vote if you are okay with these changes!  with an up vote of yes I will then increase the amount for the second tier (and it will stay that amount even after I change back to weekly uploads)

on an added note! once I go back to weekly uploads,to increase the value for the higher tiers, The 5$ tier will still receive regular uploads but will be one page behind  

I want patreon to be a full time position from me so long term I imagine myself make more changes based on what I'm doing but this specific point in time makes this change for realistic for me in terms of time cost to reward with how much time and effort I put in

feel free to weight in! leave a comment if you have anything you need to ask or if its unclear

im nervous about making changes but you guys have been so supportive and interactive with me I feel okay at least asking for your guys opinion 


Nutty Mr Gecky

I really appreciate how you are handling this. It shows that you care about those who support you which personally makes me want to support you more. I want you to live a comfortable life doing your art.


Personally I don’t think the change should be made until you go back to weekly updates, but it’s not my decision to make


that is fair! I guess I should have added my reasoning for wanting this change before that is because it would help me get back to weekly updates faster than if I were to wait, so I wanted to vote on it


im okay with everything but the "one page behind" part


Voregence, I dont mind supporting you with more money. And those who agree also dont mind. But to make this a full time thing ya gotta advertise some :p I found you off e621 around a year ago


can I ask why? you would still get weekly updates as normal but would only be a week behind. Still ahead of public viewing by a few weeks as well :)


Speaking as someone in the $5 tier, this change doesn't really concern me too much. I think it's a well considered way to add some bang to the buck for higher tier patrons as well. Timely access to content is--for me, at least--not a major concern. As long as content is still delivered, I don't mind waiting. I'm happy to continue my support and I think it'd be great if this could be a full time gig for you.